HYPERGLOBUS | Hypermarket complex "GLOBUS" in Tver


Hypermarket GLOBUS is a multi-function trade and production complex that includes a sales hall, three restaurants, manufacturing and warehouse facilities, cooling warehouses and refrigerators, office and household sites, trade spaces, service premises and kiddie corral, technical sites, and a large parking area for customers and cargo.

Construction period: March 2013 – April 2014



7,87 ha

overall site area


overall construction area


area of the construction zone

785 slot

car park


  • Development of working documentation
  • Construction and finishing works
  • Installing the internal engineering systems (off-site and on-site systems, and equipment)
  • Works on site and landscaping
  • Executive documentation
  • Warranty
  • Carrying out construction supervision


Mocbastas won the tender for the GLOBUS Hypermarket working documentation development and construction in Tver in March 2013, with the grand opening occurring just over a year later in April 2014.


Due to the short construction time of the year-long project, the development of working documentation occurred in parallel with the construction. All project management and the management teams were transferred to the site for the duration of the construction period. This enabled Mocbastas to coordinate designing with material orders while overseeing the construction process and also accelerating managerial and technical decisions. To meet the challenging construction time, Mocbastas teams worked seven days a week, with critical scheduled works performed in a day-and-night mode.


The Hypermarket’s own workshops for full-cycle food production include:

  • Bakery for manufacturing of various of bakery and confectionary
  • Meat workshop for manufacturing of semi-finished meat products, lunch meats, sausage products and deli meats
  • Fish workshop for manufacturing of hot and cold smoked fish, light-salted fish, and semi-finished and ready-made products
  • Cookery to develop salads and snacks, ready-to-eat meals, sandwiches, desserts and juices

Products are produced in-house and differentiate from local grocers and food markets as they offer a broad assortment of premium food, while conforming to the highest quality standards.


Despite the challenging timelines faced in order to have the facility ready in just over a year, special attention to detail was paid to the quality of construction and installation works, materials, structures and equipment. All of this also meant complying with the high requirements that are necessary when working within a facility where industrial hygiene and fire safety play an integral role.